ICFP 2023
Mon 4 - Sat 9 September 2023 Seattle, Washington, United States

Note: The PLMW Call for Participation is now available!

The purpose of the Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) is both to support the careers of those who are in the beginning stages of a Ph.D, and to inform people who are considering doing a Ph.D in programming languages about PL research and potential careers that follow. Through talks and panel discussions by leaders in programming language research from academia and industry, the workshop will introduce some current topics in functional programming research (providing background for some research talks at ICFP); provide some training on research skills (e.g. how to give a good talk or write a good paper; how to work with your advisor); and provide some mentoring on life as a PhD student and the types of careers that follow a PhD. The workshop will also provide opportunities to network with these senior researchers and fellow participants. While the assumed background for different talks will vary, we hope that, for example, people who have had a strong undergrad course in PL, or self-studied some PL research, or already done graduate-level coursework or some research of their own will be able to get something out of the workshop. We specifically encourage groups who have traditionally not had the opportunity to participate in research in programming languages to attend. We hope the workshop will help people imagine how they might contribute to the world through a research career in programming languages, and encourage those not yet doing a Ph.D to do so.

This workshop is part of the activities surrounding the ICFP conference and takes place the day before the main conference. One goal of the workshop is to make the ICFP conference more accessible to newcomers. We hope that participants will stay through the entire conference.

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Mon 4 Sep

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09:00 - 10:30
Icebreaker and Preparing for Graduate School in PLPLMW @ ICFP at B - Fifth Avenue
Social Event
PLMW Icebreaker Session

How to Thrive as a PhD student in PL
Sam Westrick Carnegie Mellon University
10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:30
Panel and Getting the Most out of ICFPPLMW @ ICFP at B - Fifth Avenue
Getting Productive in Research
Daan Leijen Microsoft Research, Mae Milano University of California at Berkeley, Leonidas Lampropoulos University of Maryland, College Park, Benjamin C. Pierce University of Pennsylvania, Cyrus Omar University of Michigan
Getting the Most Out of ICFP
Paulette Koronkevich University of British Columbia
14:00 - 15:30
Technical Lecture and Mental HealthPLMW @ ICFP at B - Fifth Avenue
A History of Subtyping
Benjamin C. Pierce University of Pennsylvania
Mental Health Mentoring for PL StudentsRemote
Rose Bohrer Worcester Polytechnic Institute
15:30 - 16:00
16:00 - 17:30
How to give a talk, speed mentoring, and debriefPLMW @ ICFP at B - Fifth Avenue
How to Write a Great Research Paper
Simon Peyton Jones Epic Games
Social Event
Speed Mentoring

Call for Participation

ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) at ICFP 23, Seattle, Washington, US

Workshop: Monday, September 4, 2023

PLMW is a workshop co-located with ICFP 2023 (the International Conference on Functional Programming) in Seattle, WA, from September 4-9.

The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to encourage graduate students and senior undergraduate students to pursue careers in programming language research. This workshop will bring together world leaders in programming languages research and teaching from academia and industry to help students imagine how they might contribute to our research community. Topics will range from the abstract (e.g., what is PL research and how does one become involved in it) to the concrete (e.g., how to navigate an academic conference, how to pick a research area) as well as technical talks on cutting-edge topics.

We especially encourage women and underrepresented minority students, and people with disabilities to attend PLMW.

This workshop is part of the activities surrounding ICFP, and takes place the day before the main conference. One goal of the workshop is to make the ICFP conference more accessible to newcomers. We hope that participants will stay through the entire conference.

Note that ICFP and PLMW are planned to be largely in-person events. While we recognize that travel to conferences is not easy for everyone, we do hope you will be able to join us in person to get the most out of the conference and its community-building aspects.

A number of sponsors have generously donated scholarship funds for qualified students to attend PLMW. These scholarships can cover expenses (airfare, hotel, and registration fees) for attendance at both the workshop and the ICFP conference.

Students attending this year will get one year free student membership of SIGPLAN, unless they prefer to opt out during their application.

The workshop registration is open to all. Students with alternative sources of funding are welcome as well.


For full consideration for scholarship funding, please apply at the link below by July 14, AoE. We will notify accepted attendees in a rolling fashion until all funding is committed.

The application can be accessed at the following URL:

https://forms.gle/otooDXHfTbDjFZEo8 (Apply by July 14, 2023 AOE for full consideration!)
