Registered user since Sun 23 Aug 2015
Name:William E. Byrd
Country:United States
Affiliation:University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Personal website: http://webyrd.net/
Research interests:Programming languages, relational programming, logic programming, functional programming, program synthesis, sythetic biology
- Co-chair in Program Committee within the miniKanren 2023-track
- Session Chair of miniKanren: Papers (Session 2 out of 2) (part of miniKanren 2023)
- Session Chair of miniKanren: Tutorial (part of miniKanren 2023)
- Session Chair of miniKanren: Discussion on the Future of miniKanren (part of miniKanren 2023)
- Session Chair of miniKanren: Papers (Session 1 out of 2) (part of miniKanren 2023)
ICFP 2023-profile
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