Registered user since Mon 27 Feb 2023
While pursuing my MSc, I developed a particular interest in the Smart Grids, Multi-Agent Systems, Game Theory, Machine Learning, and Algorithm Designing. My MSc thesis is entitled “Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning of Load Shifting in the Smart Grid”, supervised by Dr. Mohsen Afsharchi, which engendered my interest in these complex topics. Considering significant results obtained from my thesis implementation, I have published a paper in the journal of International Transaction on Electrical Energy Systems. Furthermore, I have the experience of being Teaching Assistant for some courses such as MASs, introductory AI, and advanced AI. Also, I had an active role in the Department laboratories, such as the RoboCG research Lab, MASs Lab, and AI Lab.
After completing my MSc, I have associated with Dr. Mansoor Davoodi Monfared on two papers entitled “Shortest Path Problem on Uncertain Networks: An Efficient Two Phases Approach”, which has been published in the journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering, and “Learning-based Systems for Assessing Hazard Places of Contagious Diseases and Diagnosing Patient Possibility”, which is under review in Expert Systems With Applications journal.
I currently am working on three articles entitled “Decentralized Learning to Shift Load under Uncertain Production in the Smart Grid”, “A Novel Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Approach for Power Management in Smart Grids”, “Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning based approach for Police Patrol Problem”, and “Symbolic Reinforcement Learning”.
It means a lot to me to be disciplined, hard-working, creative, and loyal when doing a job. Hence I always have tried to fulfil these characteristics during my researches. Although I am able to handle a research project independently, I have a social personality and enjoy working as part of a multidisciplinary team.
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